Sunday, 10 November 2013

Twisted realizations

I don’t know about you but I occasionally find myself doing some deep honest reflections. The trigger for all this is my worries on LIFE. Yes, even the most positive of us have at one time or another worried about things we have no control over and those that we do have control over. How you chose to let it affect you is entirely up to you.  

So (my signature word *giggles*) today I found myself in deep reflections, I mean I went through the almost all the occupants of the emo-train and that got me thinking about the stuff I regret, the shit I don’t and the shit I am yet to face in life. Is it really important or relevant to worry about the inevitable, I mean seriously life is a process and in that process there will be trials and errors that will be made. What and how we learn from these experiences is only reflective of our inner strengths. That ability is also dependent on the manual you use to govern your life. Be cautious as to not borrow other people’s life manuals for life was never meant to be a one size fit all. In fact the only replication you can use is your ability to FILTER, FILTER, FILTER because that is the only ability that can equip you with not being screwed over by yourself and LIFE.

My point is this, realizations are good but don’t dwell on them to long after you have packed up that baggage. Go out there and Carpe Diem.

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