Monday, 4 November 2013

Twisted democracy

It would seem the world is becoming hangover on the concept of DEMOCRACY, but what exactly is democracy in the 21st century. We have all seen what has been happening in the Middle-East and it would seem the revolts were oriented around DEMOCRACY.

I often think to myself and wonder how the world around defines democracy. We have students beating and terrorising teachers, and because of this so called democracy butt whopping is becoming a no, no. Children are back chatting adults also in the name of democracy. I am sorry to say this but this DEMOCRACY BS is becoming a pain in the arse especially when it starts eroding away the moral principles of humanity. Democracy is not a free pass to becoming an absolute brat because you are protected by the laws of a democratic state which you might have voted for. I grew up in the era of butt whopping and I see absolutely nothing wrong with it provided it’s not done excessively or over the top. Democracy should not be used as a platform to fragment societies. People talk about the evil that was in Libya because of Gaddafi, but no one ever mentions the good that was done outside of this democracy (every coin has two side). Many democratic lead states in the world also have some of the highest unemployment stats in the world. So forgive if my sense of democracy is slightly distorted. You are blessed with a functioning brain use it to critique and uplift, understand your contributing role to this democracy we all spoke off.  Even in the face of this democracy we often find democratic states ruled in autocracy. Nothing is ever just black and white but when the black starts being span under the banner of democracy and used to make fools of other, I start to worry about the world we are heading to because it will require the redefining of democracy.

My point is this; before you go about preaching democracy understand the governing rules and morals that your version of democracy comes with. 

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