Saturday, 16 November 2013

Feeling broody

So growing up I often felt that having kids was really something that was an alien idea. One which was a hundred light years away and do not apply to me at all. In fact I made such a huge deal of the matter, that the thought of pregnancy or rather carry an alien as I thought of it was most unlikely to happen.

Fast forward into my late 20’s (Which is where I am now) seems the baby fever is slowly creeping in. I know I still need to finish school, get back into the job market again and so fore but that nagging feeling of wanting to be a mommy is becoming a monstrous feeling that requires feeding.  One of my aunts once said when that feeling kicks in it’s really hard to let go off. As much as I entertain the idea, I worry about the kind of parent I will be. Will I be as good as my mother, because parenthood doesn’t come with a manual and it’s the one place where you can lose your child in trial and error. In this 21st century time we are living in, everything has become scary, and being a great mom is the one thing I am afraid of failing at.

Am I feeling broody for the right reasons, is another question to ask? And I seriously don't know hey. I mean, I love kids and for some odd reason they seem to like me too but, geez am I prepared or am I just feeling left out by my friends and family! I’ve seen very few bad moms, and a many great ones but I fear I might fall into that minority group. So if this feeling of broodiness is like an addiction, right now I can simply not afford to buy the drug. Yes, I’ve heard not all parental experiences are the same but I am too busy worrying about the minority of things that could go wrong.

With that said, I am making a conscience decision to pack away the broodiness until further notice because this level of confusion is surely indicative of my not being ready. If you are feeling this way, know that you are not alone. I mean kids require love as much as they require financial stability and if you aren’t in those two places and frames of giving steer away from giving into the broodiness.

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