Saturday, 29 March 2014


Being human is to have internal fights with oneself. It is that ability to acknowledge that we are all beings with differences in: feelings, history, purposes and accomplishment.

As beings with feelings of hope, loss, love, lust, faith and sorrow, so often we find ourselves at the crossroads of these nebulous emotional concepts and that is when we start to realize the intensity of these internal struggles. This is when we seek to define our humanity- what is right and what is wrong, what is needed and what is wanted. It is in this space that we can start to prioritize issues and a collective experience of these priorities, what was done and what was left undone, what was chosen and what was not chosen, that’s what defines our history.

History is a set of lies that is agreed upon. Therefore when it conflicts with emotions, we are yet again confronted with a situation to redefine our humanity. This personality refinement not only depends on the history but also on our values and purpose in life.

The purpose in life is to get a sense of direction as to where one wants to be in the future, based on hope and the aspiration for a Utopian world where our emotions will no longer conflict with our values and history. It is in this space that we can start to appreciate our accomplishments which would feed into our great sense of happiness. 

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