Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Trying to understand life

We often go around saying experience is the best teacher but do we all really need to go that route or can we observe from the sidelines to know we're making a mistake!

Yes, its believed that observations are enough to take a conclusive decision without having to experience but we also often forget that observations are flawed for they are never the same. If fact observation are flawed by the mere fact that human behavior is never continuous and if there is a pattern it will require years of observations to be detected. So what I'm driving at with  this topic is that matters of the heart are rarely and seldomly repetitive. However, if matters of the heart look like they are about to repeat themselves yhen by all means draw on experience.

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So the problem I have with experience is that even if you learn a lesson from it, it often leaves you scarred. These scars often runs so deep you don't see how it negatively affects some elements of the decisions you take in future. In fact I've seen past experiences ruin prospective happiness all because there were no filters put in for all past hurts. Yes I said filters! We've become such gullible human beings we take in everything given to us without understanding the importance of filtration. This I've seen especially in women! We tend to give our friends advice based on our experiences forgetting that no two people in this world are the same and as such their experiences will not necessarily be the same as well. Thus, I I've learned to try and be honest with my friends when they ask for my advice based on a similar experiences.  I tell them, my advice would be to biased to follow however, deduce from whatever I tell you and remember that not all experiences are the same. This means that I'm hoping that the other party involved is sincere enough to know and understand that whatever they had done was wrong and they need to shy away from such behave.

The reality of the world we live in, is that we need experience, observation and intuition to make a conclusive decision about a lot of matters whether it be those of life or the heart. The gut feeling is never wrong and more so we need to pray about the worries we carry around. Its in this phase that slander becomes a better and attractive option whilst forgetting that someone or people will get hurt in this process. Honesty, then thus becomes an important element of the whole process cause there is only much further that intuition, experience and observation will take you! So before you go around doing and accepting everything you're told like a parrot use intuition, observation, experience,  honesty and good old fashioned prayers to guide you!

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