Friday, 28 February 2014


So it was recently suggested I seemed bitter in my blog and to be honest, some posts were written during the darkest time in my life to date. Guess I was being bitter because of all the crazy things I've done and hope never to do again. The reality is at some point in our lives, those of us who are honest enough with ourselves realize that we are all afraid to end up alone. Tell me anyone who isn't and I will clearly tell you that, that person hasn't thought further into their old age years.

However, the question I often ask myself is when does one begin to panic about the possibility of ending up alone! Question is we all see these old men and women who are single and we naturally assume they are living the life but the reality is they are not. Sometimes people often fake it and until they start to believe it however, when you go to sleep and all you have are your thoughts that’s when the regret and loneliness kicks in. So does that then mean you’ll need to settle out of the fear of being alone, well such choices at the end of the day are always personal because you’ll be the one sacrificing your happiness to settle. The reality is that being alone has its own benefits but the older you get those benefits turn into loneliness.

Being single in your earlier days should be the one period in your life where you get to lay down the laws of what you want or don’t want from a potential partner.  Growing up I often thought people just needed to have chemistry and the rest will fall in play boy was I wrong. So, wrong I could punch myself for being so stupid. Ladies, gentlemen chemistry is like perfume I've come to realize it is strongest in the beginning and fades over time. That is something that has taken awhile for me to understand and reflect upon. The wise then came up with the concept of settling down with a friend, by friend I mean someone whom you like and can talk to about everything like you would your home girl or home boy. What I am trying to say is settle with someone who brings out your great qualities and can hold your hands in public even when you look like shit because he/she knows you’re just having a bad day and your look is temporal for there is more to you than meets the eye.

Ladies, we need to stop thinking we can change everyone we meet. The reality is change comes from within and in order for that change to happen you need to start with self love.  How can you expect to make someone happy when you yourself are a mess and unhappy!  As soon as people start fixing each other and not working towards a common goal for the future know your relationship is DOOMED. A Relationship should be based on more than playing Kerry Washington in Scandal/The Fixer. Moreover, if you start exhibiting changes in your behavior to a point where you don’t recognize yourself, then you know it’s time to let go of that sinking ship. Yes, if any person or relationship causes you to become a crazy version of yourself to a point where you could be described as psychotic person then you know it’s time to let go and don’t be afraid to be alone. It wouldn't be easy but it’s either that or you waste away pinning for someone who will likely move on whiles you make yourself stationary. In life if you do all the right things for your life, the right person for you will come in good time.

Growing up is not easy but don’t compromise your principles to accommodate people who don’t deserve it.
Interesting article for further reading:

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