Monday, 4 August 2014


In life we often go around making stupid mistakes and judgement of others all in light of this thing called pride. Pride is so detrimental to the soul it can be your own worst enemy. Needless to say I am no stranger to this five letter word, even I can be so full of it occasionally sometimes for good but for the most times in the worst of situations.

As human beings we navigate towards pride in the most unnecessary of circumstances. For instance, at times when we’re wrong or have made mistakes that are eating away at our very soul, we would rather not apologise or admit we are wrong because of this stupid pride. We can be so full of it that; we only see, what we want to see, when we want to see it. When you’ve wronged people accept that you were wrong or they were wrong and forgive them, as we are only human. I’m not saying forgiveness is easy but it can be done, in fact all things are possible through Christ Jesus. I’ve been prideful with people so close it me I had no business being that, but I choose it thinking they would respect me more, instead they told me how stupid I was being and if I continued like this I would be dig my own grave with one of the deadliest of sins in the bible, hello even God hates pride because it cause a cloud in judgement. If you can’t take my word for it feel free to look at the following scripture verses (Leviticus 26:19, Chronicles 26:16, Proverbs 11:2, Isaiah 13:19; 2:12, Daniel 5;20, Deuteronomy 8:14 not forgetting the famous Corinthians 13:4) they all talk about God’s dislike of pride.

Pride is responsible for keeping some many people away from the blessing bestowed to them by the Lord. Pride will make a fool you long before you have seen and understood what is going on. It’s good to be walking around chest pumped out and you gloating in pride, that very same pride is making you look and act the fool. I’ve let pride control me for too long and I am sure I have missed countless blessings because of it, but I have turned a new leaf, pride and I have had fun together but it’s time for me to let him be. He has not brought me any good to date.

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