Sunday, 5 October 2014


Your truth and that of the world will always be different. Just like how you can care for some people and they might not necessary feel the same about you. Such is the reality of the world we live in. Not everything we see and believe is necessarily good for us, hence why we need to be careful of the people we let into our personal spaces.

However, amid all the standards of the world keep on doing good for those who don’t deserve it or look down on you, for the rewards you seek are those given to you by your heavenly father. Yes, I know it is not easy doing good for people who don’t deserve it, but you do it anyway. If they look down on your kindness and mistake it for dumbness or stupidity you keep doing it anyway because eventually, you will rip the rewards. When they eventually start to acknowledge your good virtues you can softly smile and walk away because you know you've held your end of the bargain according to God’s laws.

Doing good is hard and often you want to create short cuts by stepping on a few toes, but think of the internal peace you claim from knowing you have done right by the word of God and from there on out all else is in his hands. So when faced with the need to do evil instead of good, rather walk away and ask for guidance for no evil deed goes unpunished just like no good deed goes unrewarded.