Monday, 7 July 2014


So recently a good friend asked me a very important question. WHY DOES GROWING UP EQUATE TO LESS FRIENDS? The problem I had with this particular question was the fact that I was also guilty of being that kind of friend to some of my friends him included. By that ‘kind of friend’ I mean the one who has become so bad at keeping in touch because I am so wrapped up in my business. I find myself in a situation where the older I get, the fewer friends I have. For some odd reason I always assumed that was the natural order of life or is it!

However, I have come to realize that it is time to re-evaluate my stand point on the matter. The sad reality is we lose friends because both of you are not making an effort to work at that friendship. Yes, I understand that people are busy living their lives but taking time out to write a text, email or calling will not require 24 hours of your time. The worst is when people text and you don’t reply, talk about being told rude and clearly not interested. We are all busy, busy trying to make it in this life but we need to take time out to appreciate our friends. For now you might feel like you don’t need anybody and you truly might not, but we were not designed by God to without friends.  The reality is we have less friends the older we get because of the stages of life we go through. When in high school we start forgetting about our primary school friends, in varsity we forget the high school friends and after graduation we forget the varsity friends. However, ultimately, all this sense of forgetting is about making time management. Friendships like relationships need to be constantly maintained and worked on. Some might even argue that friends fall out because an element of jealousy in the success of others starts to creep in. Your true friends will always be there in your failures and success. So if you have friends who've stuck around through your waste of times without judgement or those who encourage you when you have lost hope in yourself, those friends are keepers.

So to answer this question, I guess some people just stop viewing us as friends as time passes by. They go on to start new circles and if you don’t move in those circles some friendship then frizzle out over time.