Thursday, 16 January 2014

TAMING THE LEOPARD: Accepting your past, embracing your present and looking forward to the future

By Guest writer

“Can you ever change and do what is right? Can people change the colour of their skin, or can a leopard remove its spots?! Jeremiah 13:23

The leopard
Leopards are agile, cunning, stealthy predators that are strong and usually on top of the food chain when there is no competition. They have rosettes that distinct them from the other members of the cat family. Ok, the point I am trying to make is this, Leopards have two types of characteristics, the obvious and the not so obvious.

Lasting impressions
So, have you ever had of the term “first impressions last”? That term usually refers to the exterior and perhaps in this superficial world that we live in, your actions are what last and sadly usually the wrong actions.
So here we have this leopard that realistically cannot change its spots. But what if this leopard can change its other characteristic? The not so obvious characteristics
As human beings , it is natural to make mistakes. Some so embarrassing that we could kill to keep them under wraps. Maybe you lied or cheated on your partner. Then one day, you decide to change for the better. Or maybe you found the right person or maybe you are simply tired of all the drama in your life.
Well I have great news for you. A leopard might not be able to remove its spots but it can surely change its character. Yes, people have the capacity to change for the greater good.

Once bitten, twice shy
Ok, people are shocked. You find this ideal partner with little or no reputation. And here you are with all your baggage. You have been in the public eye, slept around with every Selma, Maria and Nangula and baby mamma drama here, baby mamma drama there.
You have been in everyone’s mouth, even those that have no idea what you look like but when they talk about you, they talk about you like they know where you live.

Casting the first stone
The point I am trying to make is this, if we were all judged based on our pasts. Then most people would not be where they are today. We all have baggage. We all have a past. But that past should not define us.

So let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Sunday, 5 January 2014


This year I plan to live, laugh and love and this is something I’ve been doing a lot of with my friends and family of late. Often we let the world consume us forgetting that we are randomly alone and shouldn’t have to subject ourselves to such conditions.

Holiday season is simply the best time to rekindle old withered relationships with friends, family and old foes. Yes I said foes, life is too short to be angry and bitter that shit is a cancer that can and will eat away at your soul. When people have wronged you forgive them for your peace of mind and let bygones be bygones. In fact tell yourself you aint dragging any shit from 2013 into 2014 not worth it, not healthy!

Go out there and Carpe diem

Awaiting my next blog from a guest writer…………………watch this space